Please get off of me
I want to climb a tree
I want to ride my bike
I do not want to go on your hike
I am a little girl
I still have hope
Do not kill me with fear
I am a little girl, oh dear
I see a shed
I see a bed
I see pillow of pine needles
Under me
On top of me a smell your breath
I feel your sweat
I taste your boyish threat
To me
Please get off of me
I have to pee
I do not know what is going on
I am a little girl
My body just wants to hurl and curl
Up in a ball
To make myself small
Some days I do gymnastics
Most days I play tennis
When you come to find me
I try to run and flee
I am a little girl
You have taken my childhood away
But worse than that
You prepared me forever for combat
I fight all my life
For a freedom I do not know
I fight to be whole
I fight for my soul
I fight for a freedom
I never come to find
But I am still looking
I am still fighting even now
For inner peace and a vow